BUT here's the deal: I'm going to be talking a lot about my cats and my roommate and my roommate's cat I'm sure. Why? Because our 5 souls are sharing a 2 bedroom apartment and there is just no way I can't talk about them. And because I want to. There's always that.
First up is Zuri:

Nicknames: BB, Pretty Girl, booboo, bitch, sassy, Baby Girl, Little Kitty
Description: Pure black, medium hair, Smallest full grown cat you've ever seen (seriously not even 6 pounds. she's tiny), Biggest attitude, always has a scowl on her face.
Age: A little over 2 yrs. old
Likes: Annoying the heck out of mama, Being in my room, crying when she's not in my room, nursing on a leopard print blanket, putting her nose against my nose or eye to wake me up (yuck), sleeping on my hip, and judging everyone else in the apartment.
Dislikes: being kept out of my room, the other kittens, when her water is dirty, being sprayed with water, any type of wet food, me paying attention to Mani and not her. Jealous little thing
Weirdest behavior(s): Besides crying insistently whenever she's not allowed in my room she really loves running to the door in hopes to get out..... but hasn't figured out that the crack that's too small for her to get out is actually the wrong side of the door. God bless her dumb soul. The door thing and also trying to outdo Mani by getting to the highest place in my room (the shelf in my closet) and then being to scared to come down.

Name: Mani
Nicknames: BooBoo, Buddy Boy, Pretty Boy, Lovebug, Cuddlebug, Cuddlemuffin, Little Buddha
Description: Pure black except for a little grey on his stomach (yes I have 2 black cats! I'm not weird), LONG hair (not kidding... his hair is insanely long), constantly purring, constantly sitting weird (hence the nickname Little Buddha), HUGE - over 10 pounds at 9 months and has big foot sized paws, and has the biggest dumbest/trusting/confused yellow eyes
Age: About 9 months
Likes: Cuddle, pets, climbing over everything, sitting in boxes, playing with Kona, treats, me-and shows it!
Dislikes: Not being the center of attention, being left out at night (he gets into everything!), the air can I spray him with, the vaccuum.
Weirdest behavior: He loves being the highest he possibly can be and we find him constantly on top of the refrigerator. He also can jump from counter to fridge to floor with ease- but he continuously trips over his own feet when trying to get on the couch....?
Name: Kona (my roommate's cat)
Nicknames: I call him KonaKitty. I think sarah has other nicknames for him but I can't think of any right now.
Description: Orange and white striped. Has a cute birthmark right on his nose. Long hair. BIG. (weighs more than Mani!) Kind of looks like a teddy bear sometimes
Age: About 9 months
Likes: Cuddles, his momma, chasing any type of ball, anything that crinkles, playing fetch, getting fed human food
Dislikes: Zuri at times, not being let in my room.
Weirdest behavior: Kona is super possessive! Whenever we give him a piece of foil or paper to play with he will growl if one of the other cats come close!
Name: Sarah (my roommate... and yes we rhyme... and yes we know it... and yes we're starting a folk band if we find someone named Tara)
Nicknames: S and Roomie
Age: 24
Likes: The internet, her job, designing webpages, learning new things, cooking, being crafty, wine, BBC, singing saying: "we could totally make that." Writing, And updating her cool vegetarian cooking blog: www.hipsterveg.com
Dislikes: Hairballs and other bodily functions from the cats, talking to rude customers, Zuri trying to hack into her room, having to drive in the snow, smell of cheerios and baby powder, and the sound of cellophane.
Weirdest behavior: ... I'm going to leave this one blank for fear of a) being hurt in my sleep (even though I can't think of anything too weird right now) or b) the fear that she'll STOP doing these weird behaviors when we drink ;)

Name: Kara
Nicknames: K.
Age: 24
Likes: Photography, laughing, wine, telling funny stories, good hair days, snow days and rainy days, Tv (in unhealthy amounts, I know), Sleep.
Dislikes: Cleaning the litter box, my sensitivity to smells, dogs, butterscotch, dirty counters, rude customers, aches and pains, not getting enough sleep, when I lose things, traffic
Weirdest behavior: ... you'll have to have a drink with me to find out ;)
So those are all the players in this scenario of Apt 212! And to close out... a picture montage of everyone!

This is a typical night when we go drinking. Sarah's super happy and I'm super crazy/excited

if you can handle it!

(and yes, we do get asked if we're sisters ALL.THE.TIME)
The end.
(and yes, we do get asked if we're sisters ALL.THE.TIME)
The end.
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